FARFA is circulating the letter below for organizations to sign on to, in response to USDA’s request for public comments on Animal ID. [You can read…
USDA Adds New Cities/Dates for Animal ID Talks
As we alerted you in April, the USDA is holding a series of meetings to discuss Animal ID. We objected to the timing of the initial…
Stop renewed attempts at National Animal ID
Will history repeat itself? The USDA appears to be headed back toward costly animal ID that could put small-scale producers out of business. Eleven years…
2017 Texas Session: Our Takeaway
Each session, we work to build support to move our issues further forward, and this session was no different. We fight hard and hope that our…
Urgent Action Needed on ‘Monsanto Bill’
We were successful in stalling the bad seed & sprays bill for almost a month — but Monsanto and its allies succeeded in moving it forward…
Where Things Stand As TX Session Winds Down
There are less than 3 weeks left in the legislative session – the flood of email action alerts will end soon! To everyone who has read our…
Texas Bill Would Ban Drones at CAFOs
Update: HB 1643 has passed the House and is on the Senate’s schedule for Wednesday, May 24 – the last day bills can be voted on. …
FARFA Joins Group Asking to Shut Down USDA’s Animal ID Road Tour
Updated: Check out one attendee’s report from the first meeting. JOINT NEWS RELEASE Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, R-CALF USA, South Dakota Stockgrowers Association,…
It’s here: The big, ugly water bill
(Updated 5/3/2017: SB 1392 continues to be pending in committee.) We’re been warning you about it, and now it’s here … SB 1392. SB 1392 has so…
FARFA/Vista Ridge
FARFA is active in opposing Vista Ridge’s attempts to transfer massive amounts of water from Milam and Burleson Counties. The San Antonio Water System, limited in…