Membership Drive 2022

Published 3/15/2022; Edited 5/17/2022
FARFA is in the midst of a membership campaign, with a goal of growing our base by 150 members (new or renewed) by May 15 [We’ve extended our Drive through the end of May!]. We’re hoping you can assist us in meeting that goal by becoming a member, renewing your lapsed membership, and/or helping recruit additional members! Use the Join Us button at the top of this page.
During this special Membership Drive, you can receive a free registration to our 2022 Southern Family Farmers & Food Systems Conference (August 8-9 in San Marcos, Texas) by recruiting 5 members at the Individual Level or above (one of whom can be yourself) … whether they are completely new members to us or former members whose memberships have lapsed.
Just be sure to tell everyone you refer to add your name in the “Referred by” section of the online membership form.
Here are a few ideas for recruiting new members:
- Make sure your farmers’ market becomes a Farmers’ Market member by going to and clicking on “Non-Profit-Farmers Market.”
- Talk to farmers, farmers’ market vendors and customers, or friends who care about healthy, local foods. Tell them about the ways FARFA fights for their ability to grow, sell, and purchase locally grown foods. And encourage them to join by visiting our website.
- If you frequent businesses that benefit from the local foods movement, such as garden supply stores, farm-to-table restaurants, cottage foods businesses, or others, let them know there’s a special level for them, too, and that Business Members receive free advertising in our quarterly newsletters.
We are sincerely thankful for your loyal support and hope you’ll consider spreading the word so that small-scale, local producers continue to thrive!