With nine bills before the Texas Legislature, the next ten weeks are going to be extremely busy. You won’t be able to take action on…
Action Alert (Texas): Cottage Foods Bill Gets a Hearing on Wednesday, March 27
Thank you to everyone who has called, written their legislators, registered or testified at a hearing, or joined us at the Citizens Lobbying Day! Our…
Press Release (Texas): DSHS Better Communications Bill and Fair Property Tax Bill Hearings
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DSHS Better Communications Bill and Fair Property Tax Bill Hearings Bills Would Remove Unnecessary Barriers For Small Farmers Providing Local Food…
Action Alert (Texas): Two Opportunities to Help Local Foods This Week
The Texas legislative session is moving quickly, and there are several ways you can help! Join us at the Capitol on Tuesday for our Local…
Press Release (Texas): Texans Gather at the Capitol to Show Support of Local Farms and Food
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Texans Gather at the Capitol to Show Support of Local Farms and Food Citizens Lobbying Day Relies on Strength in Numbers of People…
Action Alert (Texas): Raw Milk & Health Permit Fee Bills Heard by Public Health Committee: Next Steps
Last Wednesday’s hearing on the raw milk and permit fees bills went very well, and we had tremendous support from our grassroots. THANK YOU to everyone…
Action Alert (Texas): Raw Milk and Permit Fee Bills – Hearing on Wednesday, February 27
Two important bills will have a hearing before the Texas House Public Health Committee this Wednesday, February 27. The first bill, HB 46, would allow licensed…
2013 Texas Legislature: House Committees
Please make a special effort to call – and get your friends and family to call – if you live in one of these districts. Note that some…
2013 Texas Legislature: Local Farm and Food Bills
The Texas Legislature is considering several bills to support local farmers and remove some of the barriers for local food systems. Below is a brief description…
Action Alert (Texas): Expand Local Food Access!
Current Texas law allows for the direct sale of raw milk and home-produced foods, but both laws have stringent limitations that have limited consumer access to…