Remember Agent Orange, the chemical from the Vietnam War that caused so many health problems and birth defects? If Dow AgroSciences has its way, one…
Farm Bill Victories
After more than two years of congressional debate, the Farm Bill is moving forward. Last week, the conference committee issued a report that resolved the…
Joint Letter to Congress: Protect Our Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) Regulations
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) and nearly 100 other organizations sent a joint letter to Congress, urging the legislators to protect our Country of…
Statement Opposing 2,4-D & Dicamba-Resistant Crops
Click here to download a PDF version of this statement. Click here to download a PDF version of a sign-up sheet to gather signatures in…
Action Alert: Speak Up on Farm Bill
Updated January 22, 2014: Congress continues to get closer to a final Farm Bill, and word is that Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) is in…
GMO Soybeans Less Nutritious, Contain Significant Levels of Glyphosate
A new article, published in the Food Chemistry journal, provides scientific evidence that FDA’s claim that genetically engineered crops are “substantially equivalent” to traditional crops…
Action Alert: Tell Congress to say NO to Fast Track on trade deals!
January 9, 2014 UPDATE: The Fast Track bill has been filed. Representative Camp (R-MI) and Senator Baucus (D-MT) have filed companion bills in the House…
Action Alert: Tell USDA NO to GMO Apples
The biotech industry keeps promising to solve major problems, from world hunger to malnutrition. Instead, they’ve given us herbicide-resistant and pesticide-producing crops, increasing Americans’ exposure…
Farmer and Consumer Groups Celebrate New “COOL” Thanksgiving
Farmer, Rancher and Consumer Groups Celebrate New “COOL” Thanksgiving as Improved Food Labels Take Effect this Week New, Clearer Country-of-Origin Labels (COOL) Will Let Consumers…
Action Alert (Texas): Vote NO On Prop 6 – Not the Real Answer to Texas Water Crisis
Water is our most precious resource. As the drought of 2011 so painfully reminded us, our farmers and ranchers cannot survive without sufficient water for…