Speak up for farmers, not agribusiness. As we alerted you yesterday, Monsanto and Agribusiness companies have managed to insert two dangerous provisions into…
Action Alert: Tell Congress to Dump Monsanto and Agribusiness Riders
Monsanto and Agribusiness companies have managed to insert two dangerous provisions into the Continuing Resolution (“CR”) that is about to be voted on by the…
USDA Has Issued New Proposed Rule for Country of Origin Labeling
USDA has issued a new proposed rule for Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) – and it’s good! As background: COOL was mandated in the 2008 Farm…
Action Alert: Deadline Extended to Submit Comments to FDA on GE Salmon
Thank you to everyone who has already submitted comments to the FDA about genetically engineered (GE) salmon! The outcry has been loud enough that agency has…
Bio: Dr. Don M. Huber
Dr. Huber is Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Idaho (1957,…
Fair Markets – Overview
A tiny handful companies control almost every link in the food chain. These firms stand between 2 million farmers and 300 million consumers and exert tremendous…
Action Alert: FDA Poised to Approve GE Salmon – Submit Your Comments
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is poised to give genetically engineered (GE) salmon its final stamp of approval. We have until February 25 to submit…
Information on the 2012 Census of Agriculture
Several people have contacted us with concerns about the census they have received from the USDA, specifically the National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS) division of the…
Demand Growing for Non-GMO Corn Seed
Farmers questioning the value of GMO traits in corn. Interest and demand for non-GMO corn seed among US farmers is growing, according to seed suppliers who…
Action Alert: Tell Congress to Dump the Monsanto Rider
Congress is back in session, and it has to address how to fund the government in the coming year. The dangerous “Monsanto” rider is still on…