Teresa Davenport

Support Fair Taxes for Small Farmers

The issue of property taxes, while not fun, is vital for many farmers. Small farmers who have been denied agricultural valuation of their land face thousands…

Urgent Action Needed on ‘Monsanto Bill’

We were successful in stalling the bad seed & sprays bill for almost a month — but Monsanto and its allies succeeded in moving it forward…

Texas Bill Would Ban Drones at CAFOs

Update: HB 1643 has passed the House and is on the Senate’s schedule for Wednesday, May 24 – the last day bills can be voted on. …

Say No to New Tax on Organic Farmers

Remember the “Got Milk?” and “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” advertising campaigns? They were developed through “checkoff” programs designed to promote individual agricultural products. The checkoff…

Time to Roll Back Regulations!

If you’ve followed FARFA’s work for any length of time, you know that a large part of our mission is to eliminate the burdensome regulations standing…

Tell President Obama to Veto the DARK Act!

As you may have heard, the Senate voted last week to approve the Roberts-Stabenow version of the DARK Act.  The next step is that it goes…

Key Senators Cave In to Monsanto

Yesterday, Senator Roberts (R-KS) and Senator Stabenow (D-MI) announced a deal to bring Monsanto’s dream bill to the Senate floor. Your Senators will vote as soon…

Raw Milk Pickup Shut Down by State & City Agents

Health departments in Texas have stepped up their attacks on the public’s right to purchase food directly from farmers, resorting to bringing the police to harass…

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