Texas Events – February 2016

February is a busy month for people who care about local food and small farms in Texas! Check out these interesting and educational events: Texas Organic…

Texas 2016 Primary Endorsements

It’s time for the Texas Primary Elections! Early voting begins on February 16 and runs through February 26. Election Day is on March 1, 2016 FARFA…

Stop the Trans Pacific Partnership

  The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently held that the U.S. could be subject to up to $1 billion in trade penalties simply because our law…

Congressional spending bill good on GMOs, bad on COOL

(December 16, 2015) This week, the Republican and Democratic leadership agreed on an omnibus spending bill, which  must pass in order for the federal government to…

How TPP Threatens Our Food System

To download this fact sheet as a printable pdf, click here   The text of the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP), negotiated by 12 countries representing around…

TPP text released – 90 days to stop it!

  The text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership has finally been released — and it’s as bad, if not worse, than expected. When you think of “free…

Fighting for Country of Origin Labeling

Last week, FARFA joined with over 140 other organizations in a joint letter urging Congress to reject repealing or weakening Country Of Origin Labeling (COOL) for…

House passes bill to ban GMO labeling

Last week, a majority of the U.S. House of Representatives sided with giant biotech and food companies instead of their constituents. By a vote of 275…

Fast Track has passed, but the fight continues

  June 30, 2015: Despite widespread opposition, the House and Senate approved Trade Promotion Authority, known as Fast Track, and the President signed it into law…

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