Water is our most precious resource. As the drought of 2011 so painfully reminded us, our farmers and ranchers cannot survive without sufficient water for…
Action Alert: Speak Up for Pastured Egg Farms
The FDA is yet again putting burdens on farmers who use healthy, sustainable practices, and justifying them with fear-based assumptions rather than data. The agency’s…
Texas Farmers’ Market Bill 2013 FAQ
In the 2013 Texas legislative session, the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance worked to pass several bills to help small farmers and local food producers. The…
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from the Texas Legislative Session
We have a lot of information to share in this alert – to make it easier, below is a table of contents of all the…
Texas Local Foods: Letter to City of Dumas
FARFA continues to fight for the rights of local food producers under the cottage foods laws that we got passed in 2011 and 2013. Check…
Texas Local Food Bills 2013
Local foods was a hot topic at the 83rd Texas Legislature! FARFA worked on several bills to support local farmers and remove some of the…
Governor Perry Signs Texas Local Foods Bills!
(June 14, 2013) Governor Rick Perry has signed the three local foods bills passed by the Texas Legislature this session! The cottage foods bill (HB 970), the farmers’…
Press Release (Texas): Texas Senate Approves Cottage Foods, Farmers Market, and DSHS Better Communications Bills
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Texas Senate Approves Cottage Foods, Farmers Market, and DSHS Better Communications Bills Significant Growth in Support for Local Food Movement at Capitol…
Texas Local Foods Bills Pass the Legislature!
Three of our local foods bills passed the Senate today, Wednesday, May 22! Now they go to the Governor for signing. THANK YOU to everyone…
Action Alert (Texas): Local Food Bills Move Forward to Vote by Full Senate
Updated May 20, 2013 at 11:45 am: Good news on our local foods bills in the Texas Legislature! Two of the bills — the Texas Cottage…