May 11, 2015: Four good local food bills have passed the House of Representatives! We have just a few weeks to get them through the…
Raw milk bill scheduled for a vote by the Texas House of Representatives
The raw milk bill, HB 91, has been scheduled for a vote this Thursday, May 7! This is the first time the Texas House of Representatives…
Fair property tax bill passes the Texas House of Representatives!
May 1, 2015: HB 1900, to provide for fair property tax treatment for small farmers, has just passed the Texas House of Representatives! The bill…
Good news for local foods from the Texas Legislature!
Two important bills for local food producers and consumers are making progress in the Texas Legislature: The fair property taxes for small farmers bill, HB 1900,…
Hearings the week of April 27th
The Texas Legislature is in full swing, and there are multiple bill hearings this week that could affect family farmers and local food consumers. If you…
Save our water – Save our future
A bill to study how to create a “statewide marketing and conveyance grid” for water is moving through the Texas Legislature quickly, and we need your…
“Sound science” resolution to be heard in Committee
Using “sound science” to address agricultural issues is vital. But due to the money and power of large companies with vested interests, the studies that…
Pass fair property taxes for small farmers!
The issue of property taxes, while not fun, is vital for many farmers. Small farmers who have been denied agricultural valuation of their land face…
Texas legislative update
April 11, 2015: The Texas legislative session is heating up, and the next eight weeks are going to be extremely busy. You won’t be able to…
Fair property tax bill gets a hearing on Wednesday, April 8th!
We have been working hard on a wide range of bills to help local farmers and local food producers. Next week, the first of our bills…