Teresa Davenport

USDA Approves Three New GMO Crops

In the space of two weeks in late January and early February, the USDA approved three genetically modified (GM) crops: Roundup Ready alfalfa, Roundup Ready sugar…

Dust Study: Is There More to the Story on GMOs?

By Howard Vlieger, FARFA Board of Directors In addition to the considerable questions about the safety of GMOs and their effects on mammals, what about other…

Interview with Howard Vlieger on GMOs

FARFA Board member and President of Verity Farms, Howard Vlieger, conducted a telephone interview to discuss the issues related to genetically modified (GM) crops. Verity family…

Letter European Commission from Dr. Huber

Read Dr. Don Huber’s original letter to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack newly discovered organism that may have the potential to cause infertility and spontaneous abortion…

Action Alert: Tell USDA to Reject GE Alfalfa

Although USDA has acknowledged that planting Monsanto’s genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa poses a significant risk that regular crops will be contaminated, the agency is still proposing…

USDA Listening Sessions on Roundup Ready Alfalfa

Howard Vlieger, FARFA Board member, attended the USDA listening session on Roundup Ready (RR) alfalfa in Lincoln, Nebraska on February 4, 2010. Below is his first-hand…

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