The Honorable Harry Reid Senate Majority Leader The Honorable Dick Durbin Senate Assistant Majority Leader The Honorable John Boehner Speaker of the House The Honorable Eric…
Action Alert: Say No to GMO Apples and Agent Orange Soy
The USDA is flooding the pipeline with proposals to approve a dozen different new genetically engineered crops. Some of these crops are in the final stage…
Action Alert: Stop the GMO Takeover
On the heels of the “Monsanto rider” inserted into the House Agriculture Appropriations Bill a few weeks ago, the Biotech industry managed to insert several more…
Press Release: Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association vs. Monsanto
Family Farm and Consumer Organizations Speak Out in Lawsuit Against Monsanto Fourteen Groups File “Friend of the Court” Brief CAMERON, TX (July 13, 2012)—Fourteen family…
Action Alert: We Need Your Help to Fight a Pro-GMO Rider
We need your help to fight a pro-GMO rider! Take Action on GMOs We’re asking you to make another call this week to your Representative, this…
Farm Bill 2012 Alerts
The Senate is debating the Farm Bill right now, and there are several amendments that need your calls! Please call your U.S. Senators as soon as…
Action Alert: Tell USDA to Say No to Agent Orange Corn
Dow Chemical is seeking USDA approval for a genetically modified (GM) version of corn that is resistant to 2,4-D, a major component of the highly toxic…
Action Alert: Tell FDA to Label GMOs
The U.S. Government allow tens of millions of unsuspecting consumers to purchase and consume unlabeled genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their foods without knowing what they…
FARFA Files Amici Brief in Lawsuit Against Monsanto
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance files an amici brief in lawsuit against Monsanto, in the District Court for the Southern District of New York, in support of…
Action Alert: Tell President Obama “No” to GMO Alfalfa and Sugar Beets
Watch the video interview with Dr. Don Huber about the new pathogen that’s threatening our food. And then tell President Obama to say “no” to GMO…