Updated June 5, 2013: U.S. Senate continues debate on Farm Bill – now is the time to call your Senators to support amendments for small…
Coalition Letter to Agriculture Committees on Livestock Competition Issues in 2013 Farm Bill
The Honorable Debbie Stabenow Chairwoman, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Nutrition The Honorable Thad Cochran Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Nutrition The…
Agribusiness Wins on Continuing Resolution – But Our Fight Continues
Agribusiness wins on the Continuing Resolution. But, with your help, we will be back for the next round! Thank you to everyone who called…
Action Alert: Tell your Senator to vote YES on Tester Amendments!
Speak up for farmers, not agribusiness. As we alerted you yesterday, Monsanto and Agribusiness companies have managed to insert two dangerous provisions into…
Action Alert: Tell Congress to Dump Monsanto and Agribusiness Riders
Monsanto and Agribusiness companies have managed to insert two dangerous provisions into the Continuing Resolution (“CR”) that is about to be voted on by the…
USDA Has Issued New Proposed Rule for Country of Origin Labeling
USDA has issued a new proposed rule for Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) – and it’s good! As background: COOL was mandated in the 2008 Farm…
Fair Markets – Overview
A tiny handful companies control almost every link in the food chain. These firms stand between 2 million farmers and 300 million consumers and exert tremendous…
Action Alert: Support Locally Produced Meats and Small-Scale Slaughterhouses
Now that the Senate is done, the House of Representatives is beginning to work on its version of the Farm Bill. The House Agriculture Committee is…
Senate Farm Bill Update
Thank you for all of your calls on the Senate Farm Bill! Unfortunately, despite strong grassroots support, the Senate leadership prevented these amendments from even being…
Farm Bill 2012 Alerts
The Senate is debating the Farm Bill right now, and there are several amendments that need your calls! Please call your U.S. Senators as soon as…