Action Alert: We Need Your Help to Fight a Pro-GMO Rider
We need your help to fight a pro-GMO rider!
Take Action on GMOs
We’re asking you to make another call this week to your Representative, this time to protect farmers and consumers against the illegal release of genetically engineered crops. The Biotech industry inserted a provision into the Agricultural Appropriations Bill that would strip the federal courts of the authority to halt the sale of planting of potentially hazardous genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
In several recent lawsuits, federal courts have ruled for farmers and the public interest, finding that USDA had not properly assessed the risks before approving specific GMO crops. The provision in the Agricultural Appropriations bill would disrupt our system of separation of powers by stripping the courts of their authority even if the approval of the GMO crop involved outright fraud or bribery.
Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) is sponsoring an amendment to strip this GMO rider from the bill. Please call your Representative and tell them to support this important amendment!
***UPDATE: The vote has been delayed — keep up the calls! Currently, the vote is expected to be the week of July 16***
If you don’t know who represents you, you can call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Or visit, which provides both phone numbers and a link to the Representatives’ online contact pages.
“I urge you to support the DeFazio amendment to strip the deceptive ‘farmer assurance provision’ from the Agricultural Appropriations bill, HR 5973. The provision is an unprecedented assault on the safeguards of our judicial system and would hurt both farmers and consumers by directing the release of potentially hazardous genetically engineered crops. Please vote yes on the DeFazio Amendment.”
Learn more about the problems with the GMO provision by reading the sign-on letter sent by 38 organizations, including FARFA.
Action Alert (Texas): Submit Comments to TAHC on Proposed Exemption for Mandatory Cattle ID
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