2025 Lobby Days
Nothing is more effective at making big change than real people talking with lawmakers face-to-face. For the 2025 Texas Legislative Session, we’re hosting a monthly session (February - May) at the Austin Capitol we call LOCAL FOODS LOBBY DAYS.
The first Lobby Day is scheduled for February 12th! We invite you to join us to share your stories with your representatives and help shape policy that supports independent farmers and sustainable food systems. This year, impactful bills have been filed to support local food systems, including measures to expand the cottage food law, increase options for buying raw milk, and require labeling of where your meat comes from! These bills represent significant progress in protecting the rights of Texas farmers and food producers while increasing consumer access to local, healthy food.
Here's what FARFA is advocating for this session:
- Simplifying farmers market permits so selling your products is easier.
- Expanding cottage food laws to grow home-based businesses.
- Reforming raw milk and ungraded egg sales for more market access.
- Supporting farm-to-school programs to get local food in Texas schools.
- Clarifying property tax laws for fair treatment of small producers.
More bills are on their way, and now is the time to make your voice heard. Together, we can make sure these bills move forward and that lawmakers understand the importance of supporting small independent farmers, ranchers, and local food advocates like you.
We have four upcoming Lobby Days you can attend:
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025
- Tuesday, March 4, 2025
- Tuesday, April 1, 2025
- Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Travel stipends are available, generously donated by fellow FARFA members! We can provide $150 to help cover gas, childcare, or other expenses you incur in coming to Austin for the lobby days. The registration form includes an option to indicate if you need a travel stipend.
Register here for February and March sessions: https://bit.ly/TXlobbydays
We'll have updates for the April and May sessions; stay tuned. Thank you for everything you do for our community-- we look forward to seeing you in Austin!