Call to Action: Support the LOCAL Foods Act!

Make your voice heard -- call your Legislators today! 

On September 19, Senators Peter Welch, Bernie Sanders, and Cory Booker introduced the LOCAL Foods Act (S.5106), a vital piece of legislation that aims to support our farmers, ranchers, and consumers by allowing on-farm slaughter of livestock for personal use, making it easier to access local, sustainable food.

Why This Matters:

Currently, the language of the federal law limits the “personal use” exemption to the person who raised the animals.  In other words, only the farmers themselves can process the animals, and the meat can only be used for the farmers’ personal and household use.

USDA has historically interpreted the personal use exemption to also allow non-farmers to buy animals while still alive, for on-farm slaughter.  But the agency has objected to those consumer co-owners hiring itinerant slaughterers (and how many people want to process their own animals?!).  And now the agency is indicating that it may backtrack and enforce the stricter, narrower interpretation that would require people to not only own the live animal, but have raised the animals themselves.

The LOCAL Foods Act updates the law to specifically allow people to buy shares of animals and then have them processed by the farmer or another agent of their choice on-farm. This change will:

  • Expand opportunities for small farmers, many of whom otherwise would have to drive long hours and pay high fees for inspected processors.
  • Improve consumer access to local meat.
  • Protect farmers’ rights to practice on-farm slaughter according to state regulations.


1. Call Your Senators: Urge them to co-sponsor the LOCAL Foods Act (S.5106). It’s crucial for them to hear from you about the importance of this bill for our local food systems. Need help contacting your senators? Click here to FIND YOUR U.S. SENATORS.

Sample script: “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a member of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance. I am calling to urge [Senator Name] to co-sponsor the LOCAL Foods Act (S.5106). This legislation is crucial for allowing farmers to sell directly to consumers and enhancing access to local foods. Thank you!”

2. Contact Your House Representatives: Ask them to introduce a companion bill in the House. We need legislation that reflects the needs of our farmers and communities! Need help identifying or contacting your House Representative? Click here to FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVES.

Sample script: “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a member of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance. I am calling to urge [Representative’s Name] to support the LOCAL Foods Act (S.5106) and to introduce a companion bill in the House. This legislation is crucial for allowing farmers to sell directly to consumers and enhancing access to local foods. Thank you!”

Key Points to Mention:

  • Emphasize the importance of supporting local farmers and the economic impact of removing regulatory barriers.
  • Highlight the growing consumer demand for local food sources.
  • Mention how the act aligns with the current practice in multiple states and supports food sovereignty.

Let’s rally together to secure the future of our local food systems. Your voice is vital in making the LOCAL Foods Act a reality!

Thank you for your continued support!

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