Search Results for: cottage foods

Report from the Citizens Lobbying Day 2011

Local food supporters from all over Texas gathered at the State Capitol on Monday, February 21 for the first Family Farms & Local Foods Day. The…

FARFA’s endorsements for Texas’ March 1 Primary

Published February 4, 2022     FARFA endorses the following candidates based on their positions on food and agricultural issues, as well as closely related issues…

PRIME Act Sign-On Letter to Senators

The following draft letter will be sent to Senators the week of July 20, 2020. We continue to seek additional signatures from non-profit organizations and from…


Current FARFA Members Being listed on this page is a benefit available to members who join at the $50 level or higher. Many of the individuals…

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How do we win the fight to protect our farms and our food? By speaking up.

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