The U.S. Department of Agriculture has just proposed a new rule that would expand requirements for tracking livestock that cross state lines. We’re working with our…
FARFA Files Amici Brief in Lawsuit Against Monsanto
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance files an amici brief in lawsuit against Monsanto, in the District Court for the Southern District of New York, in support of…
Press Release: USDA and Corporate Agribusiness Continue to Push Animal ID Scheme
USDA and Corporate Agribusiness Continue to Push Animal ID Scheme Consumers and Independent Producers Lose if Big Ag Wins on Animal Tracking WASHINGTON, DC (August…
Texas 2011 Legislative Session Wrap-Up
June 19, 2011: SB 81 Becomes Law Governor Perry has released the list of vetoed and signed bills, closing the book on the regular session. The…
Action Alert: Calls Needed to Rein In Meatpackers
Right now, three giant multinational corporations control over 85% of the meat packing industry. This is a virtual monopoly. These companies want to completely control the…
Action Alert: Tell President Obama “No” to GMO Alfalfa and Sugar Beets
Watch the video interview with Dr. Don Huber about the new pathogen that’s threatening our food. And then tell President Obama to say “no” to GMO…
Report from Public Health Committee Hearing
The House Public Health Committee heard the raw milk and cottage foods bills on Wednesday, April 20, 2011. Over the course of the day, we estimate…
Food Safety Bill Passes: Now What?
People inside and outside the Beltway had trouble keeping up with the many procedural turns taken by the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. In the end,…
USDA Approves Three New GMO Crops
In the space of two weeks in late January and early February, the USDA approved three genetically modified (GM) crops: Roundup Ready alfalfa, Roundup Ready sugar…
Frequently Asked Questions About the Food Safety Bill
**Disclaimer: The comments below are intended to try to explain the likely application of the bill and are not legal advice. The exact application of the…