Current Texas law allows for the direct sale of raw milk and home-produced foods, but both laws have stringent limitations that have limited consumer access to…
Raw Milk is Held to Same or Higher Standards as Pasteurized Milk
Grade A licensed raw milk meets or exceeds all regulatory standards for pasteurized milk. Below are some highlights of the existing regulations for raw milk that…
Improving Legal Access to Raw Milk Will Not Increase Foodborne Illness Outbreaks
One argument that has been raised against legalizing raw milk (read about HB 46 in Texas) is that, in essence: “If you make it easier to…
Raw Milk Is Not a High-Risk Food
Industry and medical groups have claimed that raw milk is dangerous, but the data contradicts their claims. Any food can be the source of foodborne illness…
Action Alert (Texas): Want to Easily Buy Farm-Fresh Milk?
Texans can legally buy farm-fresh, raw milk from licensed Texas dairies. But the government requires consumers to drive to the farm — which may be 2…
Animal Welfare Overview
This is the Farm Issues: Animal Welfare sticky.
Plano’s Farmers’ Market Ordinance Violates State Law
The City Council of Plano, Texas has adopted a new health ordinance that effectively kills any chance of a farmers’ market operating in the city, while…
Action Alert (Texas): HB 46 Filed – Support Raw Milk Access in Texas
Texans can buy raw milk from licensed dairies, but the regulations require that consumers drive out to the farm, which may be several hours away, to…
Update on Cottage Foods Rule and TAHC’s Cattle ID Rule – 2012
Thank you for speaking up in support of local food producers. The Texas Department of State Health Services has issued its final regulation for cottage food…
Defending Cottage Food Operations
The letter below was sent to the Angelina County & Cities Health District on July 7: On Monday, June 25, a citation was issued to a…