For decades, multinational meatpacking corporations, high-tech companies, and the USDA have pushed mandatory electronic identification for livestock, particularly cattle. They claim it’s an animal health measure,…
Lobby Days 2023 FAQ
Q: I’ve never talked to a legislator or been to the Capitol before. Is this event for me? Yes! You do not need any prior experience…
FARFA’s Comments on TDA Proposed Rules re: Egg-Grading
The Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance is asking the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA)(click to read PDF) to remove agency rules that impose time-consuming permitting and…
Updates on Local Food Bills in the 2023 Legislative Session: January 18, 2023
FARFA is working hard to pass several bills to reduce unnecessary burdens on small farmers and ranchers, and increase consumer access to healthy locally raised foods….
FARFA Continues Its Lawsuit Against Texas Department of Agriculture
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance continues to pursue its lawsuit against the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA), challenging the agency’s improper and unconstitutional new rule to implement the…
2023 Lobby Days
Nothing is more effective at making big change than real people talking with lawmakers face-to-face. That’s why, for the 2023 Texas Legislative Session, we’re hosting a…
Tell USDA not to impose even more burdens on small-scale poultry processors!
The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has proposed a new framework to address salmonella in poultry processing. Unfortunately, this proposal is based on a…
Part-Time Summer Outreach Intern
OVERVIEW: The Council for Healthy Food Systems (CHFS), in coordination with Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA), is seeking a part-time summer intern to support our outreach…
San Antonio ‘Chefs for Local Farmers’
Local farmers and local chefs pair up in support of sustainable agriculture Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance and the Council for Healthy Food Systems announce a special…
Tarrant County refunds illegal fees to cottage food producer
Tarrant County has refunded the permit fees it illegally charged to a cottage food operator! Two weeks ago, the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) and…