Senator Jon Tester has reached an agreement with the authors of S. 510 to include a compromise version of the Tester-Hagan amendment in the Senate food…
Action Alert: Urge Senators to Oppose or Amend Food Safety Modernization Act
The Senate is coming back for the lame duck session, and the Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510) is scheduled for a cloture vote this week….
Action Alert: Tell USDA to Rein In Meatpackers and Stand Up For Family Farmers
Today, a tiny handful of meatpackers and poultry processors dominates the livestock industry, making it hard for an individual farmer or rancher to get a fair…
FARFA Submits Comments to USDA on Animal Traceability Framework
The Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) submits these comments on the USDA’s Animal Disease Traceability Framework. FARFA is a non-profit organization headquartered in Cameron, Texas, with members…
USDA Public Meetings on Animal Traceability
As of July, USDA has held five public meetings on its new animal traceability framework. These meetings are much more controlled and government-dominated than last year’s…
Action Alert: Food Safety Modernization Act Delayed – Call Your Senators
Food safety is heating up again and we need your help! Although passage of S. 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been delayed, there is…
Letter to Congress on the Food Safety Act – Signed by 157 Organizations
Support Fresh, Safe Local Food in the Food Safety Bill June 10, 2010 Dear Senator: The 157 undersigned organizations represent consumers, farmers and ranchers, local food producers,…
Action Alert (Texas): Opportunities for Texans to Speak Up
There are several opportunities in the next two weeks for Texans to speak up to support independent agriculture and local foods. The Texas Senate Agriculture Committee…
Response to “Is Free Range Meat Making Us Sick?”
On May 10, 2010, The Atlantic published an article by James McWilliams, titled “Is Free Range Meat Making Us Sick?” Below is the comment posted by…
Letter to USDA and Regulatory Working Group Regarding Animal Traceability Framework
The Honorable Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture The Honorable Edward Avalos, Under Secretary of Marketing and Regulatory Programs and Veterinary Services U.S. Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Ave.,…