National and Regional Organizations

Texas State and Local Organizations
Other State Organizations
- Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
- Community Farm Alliance (KY)
- Dakota Resource Council
- Dakota Rural Action
- Food for Maine's Future
- Land Stewardship Project (MN)
- Maine Alternative Agriculture Association
- Michigan Land Trustees
- Michigan Organic Food and Farm Alliance
- Missouri Rural Crisis Center
- Northern Plains Resource Council (MT)
- Oregon Rural Action
- Ozarks Property Rights Congress (MO)
- Powder River Basin Resource Council (WY)
- Virginia Independent Consumers & Farmers Association

Special Thanks:
- Joseph Fetters and Joe Fetters, Sr. of f4techgroup for their time and expertise in building the FARFA website.
- Elliot Ahr of Inkroots Media for his videotaping of the FARFA conference sessions.
- Stone Craig for donating signs for the March 2007 rally and the Texas listening sessions.
- The Bumper Sticker for a significant discount on our bumper stickers and lapel stickers.
- BuildASign for discounted banners and member signs.
- Spectrum Printing for discounted printing services, incredibly fast turnaround, and high quality results.