GMO Resources
- Center for Food Safety
- Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
- Food & Water Watch
- Participate in Non-GMO Month
- Texas Right to Know - information on Texas labeling campaign

Print and Electronic Resources
- Acres USA
- CA Right to Know: Prop 37
- Center for Food Safety: Genetically Engineered Foods (also has an app for iPhones and Android smartphones - see our page What Can I Buy?)
- Cornucopia Infographic - shows which companies opposed your right to know about GMOs, and which ones supported Prop 37.
- Food & Water Watch: Genetically Engineered Foods
- GMO Database - this is a European database, but it provides a wealth of information as to what foods have been found to contain GMOs.
- Institute for Responsible Technology: GMO Education
- Local Harvest- shows a map of local "farmers" markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown foods in your area."
- Non-GMO Project (also has an app for iPhones - see our pageWhat Can I Buy?)
- Non-GMO Shopping Guide (also has an app for iPhones - see our page What Can I Buy?)
- Organic & Non-GMO Report
- Organic Seed Alliance

Dr. Oz speaks out against GMOs- in a 3-part video series, Dr. Oz leads an investigation to find out if genetically engineered foods are safe, and he gives tips on how you can protect your family.
The NOVA/Frontline series Harvest of Fear provides a good background on the rise of GMO food. Although it is no longer available through streaming, you might be able to purchase DVD copies. The PBS website contains great information gleaned from the series at