The Senate is debating the Farm Bill right now, and there are several amendments that need your calls! Please call your U.S. Senators as soon as…
Action Alert: Two Ways to Fight the Big Meatpackers
This week, Congress is debating two bills that are important to our farms and our food — and you have two opportunities to help protect independent…
Testimony to the Texas House Committees on Public Health & Human Services
May 22, 2012 Thank you for the invitation to testify at today’s hearing. My name is Judith McGeary and I am the Executive Director of the…
Action Alert: Tell USDA to Say No to Agent Orange Corn
Dow Chemical is seeking USDA approval for a genetically modified (GM) version of corn that is resistant to 2,4-D, a major component of the highly toxic…
Action Alert (Texas): Submit Comments on TAHC’s Proposed Rule on Cattle ID
Last fall, we alerted you to a proposed rule from the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) that would have required require official identification on a wide…
HR 3798: Eggs
Several farmers have received an email asking that they endorse HR 3798. This bill was developed by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and…
New Rule on Nutritional Labeling for Meat
On March 1, 2012, a federal rule requiring nutrition labeling of meat went into effect. The rule was originally proposed back in 2001. The final rule…
Comments to Department of State Health Services on Proposed Cottage Foods Rule
February 26, 2012 Cheryl Wilson Food Establishments Group, PSQA Unit Environmental & Consumer Safety Section Department of State Health Services Via email: Dear Ms. Wilson:…
Action Alert: Speak Up to Protect Cottage Food Producers
Thank you again to all of the people who sent comments to the agency and called their legislators to oppose the Department of State Health Services’…
Action Alert (Texas): Speak Up for Farmers Markets
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is busy making things more difficult for local food producers. As we alerted you last week, DSHS has…