Teresa Davenport

Texas 2011 Legislative Session Wrap-Up

June 19, 2011: SB 81 Becomes Law Governor Perry has released the list of vetoed and signed bills, closing the book on the regular session. The…

Action Alert: Calls Needed to Rein In Meatpackers

Right now, three giant multinational corporations control over 85% of the meat packing industry. This is a virtual monopoly. These companies want to completely control the…

Report from Public Health Committee Hearing

The House Public Health Committee heard the raw milk and cottage foods bills on Wednesday, April 20, 2011. Over the course of the day, we estimate…

Food Safety Bill Passes: Now What?

People inside and outside the Beltway had trouble keeping up with the many procedural turns taken by the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. In the end,…

USDA Approves Three New GMO Crops

In the space of two weeks in late January and early February, the USDA approved three genetically modified (GM) crops: Roundup Ready alfalfa, Roundup Ready sugar…

Animal ID Update

A year ago, USDA announced that it was dropping its plans for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), and that it would instead develop a new…

Dust Study: Is There More to the Story on GMOs?

By Howard Vlieger, FARFA Board of Directors In addition to the considerable questions about the safety of GMOs and their effects on mammals, what about other…

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