Mandatory Animal ID Programs

In February 2010, in a major victory for the grassroots movement, the USDA announced that it was dropping its plans for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). The agency stated that is would refocus its efforts on "a new, flexible framework" that would apply only to animals moved in interstate commerce and encourage the use of "lower-cost" technology.

The Battle with Animal Identification Continues

The USDA's announcement reflects the work done by people all over the country, speaking out against NAIS. Thank you to the thousands of people who called, wrote, organized meetings, and more. Dozens of organizations, from across the country and the full range of the political spectrum, worked together on this common cause. And we succeeded in making our voices heard.

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The issue is not yet over

In 2011, the agency proposed the Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) rule. We have maintained an extensive archive of materials about the plan for NAIS because it remains relevant to understand the driving forces behind the new ADT proposal and the potential problems with what ADT could evolve into.

State Level Issues

There are also issues at the state level. Farmers in Wisconsin and Indiana continue to face mandatory premises registration under their state laws, while Texas is implementing new animal ID requirements that go beyond the federal requirement. We must work at both the state and federal levels to address this issue.

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Explore the various posts on mandatory animal identification:

ACTION ALERT: Help Stop Forced Electronic Animal ID!

July 9, 2024

Good news – a Congressional Resolution of Disapproval has been filed in both the House and the Senate to stop the USDA’s senseless, damaging rule mandating electronic…

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FARFA Policy Update – June 2024

July 2, 2024

POLICY UPDATE:  It’s a busy time, with lots of news, both good and bad! Let’s start with the bad news: USDA moved ahead with mandating electronic…

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FARFA Policy Update – Farm Bill and more

June 10, 2024

The Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) is a national organization dedicated to supporting independent family farmers and ensuring a healthy, productive food supply for American…

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*NEW* ACTION ALERT: Voice your strong opposition to Forced Electronic ID!

May 20, 2024

  NEW Action Alert: your help is needed! Call Congress and voice your strong opposition to the USDA mandate!     Dear Fellow Agtivist, We’re asking…

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ACTION ALERT: Protect Small Farmers & Ranchers from Forced Electronic ID!

May 8, 2024

Mandatory electronic Animal ID is expensive, intrusive, and unreliable. The plan benefits two groups: the large meatpacking corporations, and the technology companies that produce electronic tags,…

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UPDATE – Electronic ID Mandate is another hit to small Farmers

April 30, 2024

USDA decision will benefit foreign markets at the expense of local small-scale cattle producers, consumers and the resilience of our food system! The U.S. Department of…

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Farm Bill Action Alert – Conservation, not Consolidation

April 25, 2024

One more call for the Farm Bill! Thank you for taking action on our alerts to help small farmers by increasing options for meat processing and stopping mandatory electronic…

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Animal ID Action Alert – Farm Bill House AG Committee

April 16, 2024

When it comes to the Farm Bill, the status quo is what the massive meatpacking corporations want on a lot of fronts, especially mandatory electronic Animal…

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Action Alert – Farm Bill debate enters a new phase!

April 11, 2024

The House Agriculture Committee is working on the Farm Bill, and we need your help! After over a year of waiting, the House Agriculture Committee Chair…

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Action Alert: Update on Animal ID

March 7, 2024

The USDA is back at it, trying to mandate electronic livestock identification to track cattle crossing state lines. They even got the House to slip it into this…

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