Contact Us

Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) is a national organization that supports independent family farmers and protects a healthy and productive food supply for American consumers. FARFA promotes common sense policies for local, diversified agricultural systems.


(254) 697-2661

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 809
Cameron, TX 76520

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You can also sign up for specific email alerts based on your interests.  Our "National" List provides alerts about what is happening at the national level, whether in Congress, USDA, or FDA.  And you can sign up for state-specific alerts for Texas (either general or Texas Raw Milk).

All we require to send you alerts is your email address. Please consider sharing your name and state, as well, since that will enable us to provide state-specific alerts when appropriate.

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How do we win the fight to protect our farms and our food? By speaking up.

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