Fast Track has passed, but the fight continues

  June 30, 2015: Despite widespread opposition, the House and Senate approved Trade Promotion Authority, known as Fast Track, and the President signed it into law…

We won! But the other side is coming back

  You did it!  Together with thousands of other Americans, you convinced a majority of the U.S.  Representatives to vote against the package of bills that…

Last Chance: Stop Fast Track for TPP

  June 10, 2015:   We just got word that the House is expected to vote on the bill that would put the Trans-Pacific Partnership on the…

Water Fights

With your help, we succeeded in stopping the  bill to study how to create a “statewide marketing and conveyance grid” for water in Texas.  But the…

Speak out against burdensome new state regulations

  The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is proposing new regulations for all businesses that sell or serve food directly to consumers, termed “food…

Save our water – Save our future

A bill to study how to create a “statewide marketing and conveyance grid” for water is moving through the Texas Legislature quickly, and we need your…

Texas Water Crisis

The Texas Legislature is considering multiple bills that would make it easier to transfer water from one area to another.  In practical terms, this means taking…

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