Download a pdf version of these priorities First COVID, then Winter Storm Uri, then food inflation, and now avian influenza. The current consolidated system for growing,…
COVID-19 Resources
FARFA has developed resources to help farmers, farmers markets, and food businesses navigate the COVID-19 crisis. If your farm or farmers’ market may be closed due…
Keeping Farms Working
FARFA has gotten multiple requests from farmers and food businesses concerned about their employees being stopped while traveling. Please recognize that no one has any experience…
Sample guideline for farmers’ markets
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released helpful guidance for farmers’ market operations Read the LA County guidelines here. The Texas Department of State Health…
Keep Farmers’ Markets Open!
This letter focuses on farmers’ markets because that is where there has been some controversy, with some local governments shutting down markets. We have not heard…
The good, the bad, and the unknown
With one week left in the Texas legislative session, there is a lot of both good and bad news-and many things still up in the air….
Texas Legislative Session Bill Tracking
Check out what’s happening with local farms and food at the Texas Legislature during the 2019 legislative session! Stay tuned on the latest developments by signing…
Support HB 1284/ SB 1805
UPDATED 5-1-19 Help small poultry farmers today! Small farmers can sell “ungraded” eggs at the farmers’ markets in Texas, but regulations prevent restaurants and retailers from…
Bee & Pollinator Bills
The Texas Legislature is considering a record number of bills that impact beekeepers and those concerned about bees & pollinators in our state. Contact your State…
Take Action for Local Food in 2019
Citizen Action Page for the 2019 Texas Legislative Session Do your research Learn about the bills: FARFA has 10 priority bills to support local…